What kind of a monetary price could you put on the soul of a child or anyone? NONE! That is why we do this ministry. The value of a child’s soul is priceless. And, when a child receives Jesus for salvation, we are abundantly blessed!
One of the Bible lessons in the series, “Discovering Jesus”, taught in the 5-Day Clubs® and VBSs this summer, is the parable of the lost sheep. Luke records Jesus’ words in Luke 15:4-7. Jesus takes a story from an everyday life event and teaches a truth about God. He concludes His parable by saying, “I say to you that likewise there will be more joy in heaven over one sinner who repents than over ninety-nine just persons who need no repentance.”
I have often wondered what that ‘rejoicing’ must be like in heaven? Well, if it was like the shepherd in the parable, it is a very exciting time! When Nancy or Logan or Tina or the many other children decided to repent (or turn around) from their sins and trust Jesus Christ to save them this summer, there was ‘rejoicing’ in heaven. I wonder how many times there was ‘rejoicing’?
Thank you for your prayers in behalf of the children. You have had a significant part in the lives of the children coming to trust in Jesus Christ for salvation this summer through the various ministries of CEF of WV. Below are praises to our Lord and prayer requests. Please take some time to speak them to the Lord. He will hear and answer your prayers in His time and way, as you earnestly beseech Him. Thank you again for your faithful prayers!
With grateful hearts and appreciation,
Harry & Lydia Boekell
Praise God for:
- The many teenagers, college young people and adults, who ministered to the children this summer.
- The people who hosted a 5-Day Club this summer.
- The children He drew to His Son for salvation.
- The children challenged for missions through the Mary Slessor story.
- The missionary offerings given to help Alex in Ghana, Africa, buy a new computer.
- The local CEF Directors and staff, who served faithfully to minister to the children in their chapter.
- The safe travels over many miles this summer.
- The spiritual battles won through the blood of Christ and God’s true Word, the Bible.
- The individuals and churches who gave financially to the CEF Summer Ministries.
Ask God to:
- Help children from unchurched homes, saved this summer to find a good Bible-believing church to attend.
- Help children who attended a 5-Day Club to be able to attend an After School Good News Club® this fall.
- Give open hearts to school administrators to allow the Good News Club® to be a part of their after school programs.
- Raise up an army of workers to do Good News Clubs after school in elementary schools or other places this fall.
- Bring healing to Rick Gilmore, local committee member and State Board member, from Covid-19.
- Raise up individual with God given abilities to serve on local CEF Committees and the State Board.
- Lead His choice individuals to serve with CEF of WV as local Directors, ministry coordinators and other positions.
- Give much wisdom to the State Board as they decide on a Payroll service and an accountant.
- Abundantly bless the local CEF chapters and State office with monthly sustaining financial partners.
- Protect the local CEF Directors, staff, State Director, committee members, State Board members and many volunteers from the “cosmic powers over this present darkness and the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly places.”
- Guide in the transition of John Camp into the CEF of WV State Directorship.