In a demonstration in a teacher training class, a little girl named Sally was brought by her grandmother to participate in the demonstration. As the instructor of this training class was sharing the Wordless Book with Sally, he soon realized she had never heard the message of salvation. He went through the gold page and shared about heaven and who God is. Sally heard: God created you, He loved you and He is holy. On the dark page, she heard about sin: “all have sinned”, sin displeases God, sin separates from God and all are born in sin. But, then she heard that Jesus, God’s perfect Son, took her punishment on the cross, “without shedding of blood, is no forgiveness of sin.” Then, “…Christ died for our sins, according to the Scriptures and that He was buried and rose again the third day, according to the Scriptures.” Finally, she was shown John 1:12, “But as many as receive Him, to them gave He the power to become sons of God…”. Sally received Jesus as her personal Savior and was assured of her salvation through God’s word.
WOW! Think about how the instructor felt, doing a demonstration and realizing it was for real. What a glorious privilege this instructor had in leading Sally to Christ. You were a part of this glorious occasion, by your prayers. Thank you for praying! You are a valuable part of this ministry. Please look over the praises and prayer requests below and as you spend time in prayer, lift them up to our great God.
Yours for the children of WV,
Harry & Lydia Boekell
Praise God for:
- The many volunteers throughout WV learning the message of salvation and communicating it to the children.
- The reports coming in about Good News Clubs® (virtually or in-person) meeting during the Covid season and children being saved.
- The various trainings of local committee members throughout WV, to equip them to be excellent in their role.
- The virtual platforms that allow staff, committee & board members to meet, plus teacher training classes.
- The local CEF Directors and staff in WV.
- The opportunities available to the local CEF Directors to promote Christian Youth in Action® Summer Ministry with Home School Groups, Christian Schools and local church Youth Groups.
Ask God to:
- Use the many volunteers being trained to communicate the message of salvation, to lead children to Christ.
- Help children saved in Good News Clubs to be connected to a good Bible teaching local church and their family also.
- Use the committee training information to help committee members to become the best committee members for the glory of God!
- Call the teenagers and college young people of His choosing to serve this summer with CEF of WV.
- Lead the local CEF Directors & staff to key locations for 5-Day Clubs this summer.
- Bring children to these 5-Day Clubs so they will hear about Jesus and be saved.
- Bless the CEF WV State Board Meeting, March 20, 10 am.
- Call His choice servant-leader to be local CEF Director in CEF Little Kanawha Valley & North Central Chapters.
- Supply the monthly financial donors to support these called local CEF Directors in these two chapters.
- Call additional staff to each of the six local CEF Chapters to further advance the ministry to the children in WV.
- Provide the additional finances to hire these additional staff members in each local CEF Chapter in WV.
- Call key individuals or couples to serve on the local committees in each local CEF Chapter in WV.
- Continue to lead the two young couples preparing to join CEF in WV: training and fund raising.