Summer is waning. Children are headed back to school. The trees will soon display their various colors and fall will be here. The cycle of the seasons is Biblical. In Genesis 8:22, God says, “While the earth remains, seedtime and harvest, cold and heat, winter and summer, and day and night shall not cease.” Yes, God’s creation is very cyclical!
CEF is cyclical also. Our ministry year begins in the first of September and ends the last of August the following year. This past ministry year there have been many opportunities to minister to the children. The Good News Club® both in the school and outside the school have ministered to many children. The 5-Day Club® has been used of God to minister to boys and girls also. Other ministries like JYou Connection, Monthly Clubs, Monthly Party Clubs, VBS, Fairs are being used of God to minister to the children as well.
The Good News Club ministry (in schools and out) will be in full swing. There will be start-ups throughout the months of September and October. Boys and girls will gather in these clubs and hear of God’s love, about their sin, how Jesus died for their sins and rose again and how to receive Him for salvation. Songs expressing these truths, memory verses, missionary stories and Bible lessons will teach these children the truths of the message of salvation and truths of how to grow in their faith.
Will you look over the Praises and Prayer Requests below? Will take one or two a day and bring them before God? Your prayers are vital to this ministry! When people pray, God works. Thank you for your time and effort in prayer.
Praise God for:
- The many Summer Missionaries who served this summer with CEF.
- The people who hosted 5-Day Clubs this summer.
- The children who received Jesus Christ for salvation this summer.
- The churches and individuals planning to do Good News Clubs.
- The schools, day cares, community centers opening their doors for the Good News Clubs.
- The teachers and workers who will conduct the Good News Clubs.
- The children who will come and receive Jesus Christ for salvation at the Good News Clubs.
- The saved children who will receive biblical instruction for growth at the Good News Clubs.
- The follow-up of the unchurched children and families by the church sponsoring the Good News Clubs.
Ask God to:
- Raise up churches to adopt the elementary school in their community and have a Good News Club.
- Raise up individuals within the churches to form a teams to conduct a Good News Club.
- Give favor in the eyes of school administrators to allow the Good News Club to meet.
- Move in the parent’s hearts to allow their child or children to attend the Good News Club.
- Prepare the hearts of the children attending the Good News Club to be saved or grow.
- Clearly communicate the message of salvation through the teachers in the Good News Club.
- Help the Good News Club teachers or workers to wisely lead children to Christ for salvation.
- Guide the CEF of WV local Directors to pastors or churches desiring to adopt the elementary school in their community.
- Guide the CEF of WV local Directors to train teachers and workers serving in a Good News Club well.
- Protect the children, teachers & workers from anyone wanting to do harm.
- Protect the children, teachers & workers from the devil’s attacks.
- Watch over the CEF of WV local Directors and State Director, protecting from the devil’s attacks.
- Raise up His called, chosen people, with business minds to serve on the local CEF committees in WV.
- Call His chosen servants to be local CEF Director in Little Kanawha Valley & North Central Chapters & provide full funding.
- Provide called, gifted individuals to join CEF of WV’s local Directors as staff in areas where the local Director is not gifted and provide full funding for their hire.
- Cause all CEF of WV local Committee members, State Board members, local Directors, staff and State Director to follow the CEF USA Operations and Policy Manual, so we can be “legally right before man; spiritually right before God”.